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Post by PEnTRU »

S-a mai dus unul... In loc sa il vedem pe 26 iunie la Bucuresti...:((

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Post by AVA »

Pacat...am aflat aseara!
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Post by Cristina »

Rest in peace, heavy-metal angel...
Long live rock and roll, long live Ronnie James Dio!
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Post by Cristina »

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Post by dmLucia »

da, odihneasca-se in pace. acuma canta metale cu Cliff Burton, DImebag Darrel, etc! :)
e foarte aiurea cum apar decesele in lumea metal mai nou. Peter Steele, Bret Michaels mai ca nu i-au pus lumanare! si acum Dio :( in general vad ca se moare in "trioleti", sunt curioasa cine urmeaza.. desi nu pot sa spun ca sunt entuziasmata.
off. toate valorile se duc. si nu stiu daca se vor mai gasi inlocuitori :( la cum arata muzica si tineretul astazi... e rau, e tare rau.
in fine, mi-au placut mult condoleantele diferitelor trupe de metal, mai ales a celor de la Metallica, si a lui Mike Portnoy (la el pe twitter).
A Letter To Ronnie

Dear Ronnie,
I just got off stage in Zagreb. I was met with the news that you've passed on. I'm kind of in shock, but I wanted you to know that you were one of the main reasons I made it onto that stage to begin with. When I first saw you in Elf, opening for Deep Purple in 1975, I was completely blown away by the power in your voice, your presence on stage, your confidence, and the ease with which you seemed to connect to 6000 Danish people and one starry-eyed 11 year old, most of whom were not familiar with Elf's music. The following year, I was so psyched when I heard the results of you joining forces with my favorite guitar player. You guys sounded so right for each other and I instantly became Rainbow's #1 fan in Denmark. In the fall of 1976, when you played your first show in Copenhagen, I was literally in the front row and the couple of times we made eye contact you made me feel like the most important person in the world. The news that you guys were staying in town on your day off somehow embedded itself in my brain and I made the pilgrimage to the Plaza Hotel to see if I could somehow grab a picture, an autograph, a moment, anything. A few hours later you came out and were so kind and caring... pictures, autographs and a couple minutes of casual banter. I was on top of the world, inspired and ready for anything. Rainbow came to Copenhagen a couple more times over the next few years and each time you guys blew my mind, and for a good three years were my absolute favorite band on this planet. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to run into you a half dozen times or so and each time you were as kind, caring and gracious as you were in 1976 outside the hotel. When we finally got a chance to play together in Austria in 2007, even though I may not have let on, I was literally transformed back to that little snot nosed kid who you met and inspired 31 years earlier and it was such a fucking honor and a dream come true to share a stage with you and the rest of the legends in Heaven and Hell. A couple of weeks ago when I heard that you were not going to be able to make it to the Sonisphere shows that we would be sharing this June, I wanted to call you and let you know that I was thinking of you and wish you well, but I kind of pussied out, thinking the last thing you needed in your recovery was feeling obligated to take a phone call from a Danish drummer/fan boy. I wish I'd made that call. We will miss you immensely on the dates, and we will be thinking of you with great admiration and affection during that run. It seemed so right to have you out on tour with the so-called “Big Four” since you obviously were one of the main reasons that the four bands even exist. Your ears will definitely be burning during those two weeks because all of us will be talking, reminiscing and sharing stories about how knowing you has made our lives that much better.

Ronnie, your voice impacted and empowered me, your music inspired and influenced me, and your kindness touched and moved me. Thank you.

Much love,


Mike Portnoy:
RIP Ronnie James Dio...one of the greatest of all time
Looks like Dime, Randy, Cliff and Bonzo just scored the ultimate singer....this is one of the saddest days in metal ever.... : (
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Post by Shilo »

dmLucia wrote: la cum arata muzica si tineretul astazi... e rau, e tare rau.

Zise "băbuţa" boscorodind şi învârtind prin aer cu bastonul :P
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Post by dmLucia »

:P I know what I'm saying, young man!
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Post by Cristina »

Am pus si eu o pietricica pentru Dio langa scrisoarea lui Ulrich...
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Post by PEnTRU »

Cristian Geambasu, reporter GSP:

"Ronaldo Giovanni Padovan a ales curcubeul. Catch the Rainbow. L-a prins într-o dimineaţă de duminică. Ronaldo Giovanni Padovan, adică Dio. Ronnie James Dio. A murit după o luptă scurtă şi inegală împotriva cancerului la stomac despre care aflase în noiembrie trecut. Chimioterapia a însemnat doar chin şi speranţă deşartă. Avea 67 de ani şi o istorie în spate. Era parte a istoriei rockului şi rămîne parte a ei.

Dacă l-ai ascultat o dată, e suficient. Întîlnirea cu vocea lui e definitivă. Curată, profundă, vibrantă, puternică. Emoţionantă şi sfîşietoare, caldă şi penetrantă. O voce în perfect dezacord cu ambalajul, pentru că Dio arăta înspăimîntător. Un personaj rocambolesc, desprins parcă din filmele lui Fellini, din gîtlejul căruia ieşeau însă nişte sunete din altă lume. Putea să cînte orice, heavy metal, balade, arii din opere. Magia unui glas supranatural care evada dintr-un trup damnat, ce efect al sorţii!

A fost alături de Ritchie Blackmore la Rainbow, atunci cînd acesta ieşea din legenda Deep Purple, apoi împreună cu Tommy Iommi şi Geezer Butler, la Black Sabbath, înlocuindu-l pe Ozzy Osbourne. De fapt, el nu l-a înlocuit pe Ozzy. Dio nu era un substitut. Un mare vocalist îi urma unui alt mare vocalist. Sabbath-ul se împarte în două ere. Cu Ozzy şi cu Dio. Ultimii ani i-a dedicat propriului proiect şi colaborărilor cu prietenii. Sufletul nu îi era schilod.

Ronnie James Dio a ales curcubeul într-o dimineaţă de duminică. Înaintea lui i-am pierdut pe Hendrix, Janis, John Bonham, Pete Bardens, Rick Wright şi Syd Barret. Şi alţii. Prea mulţi. Prea repede. Ne-au dăruit muzică. Prea puţină muzică, mult mai puţină decît şi-ar fi dorit să ne lase. Mult mai bună decît lumea pe care au părăsit-o şi de care ne vom trata ascultîndu-i. În toate dimineţile cu şi fără curcubeu."

sursa: http://blogsport.gsp.ro/geambasu
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Post by Cristina »

Foarte frumos, cu un singur amendament: Ronnie James Dio a fost departe de a arata inspaimantator! Nu stiu ce a vazut Geambasu la el, insa in tinerete a fost un barbat foarte foarte frumos, iar la batranete a ramas un chip senin si un tip la fel de rafinat si de elegant ca intotdeauna. Chiar daca avea trasaturile mai aspre, interiorul se revarsa pe chipul lui intr-un curcubeu de lumina, ca sa-l continuam pe Geambasu.
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Post by Gaby »

Ieri s-au implinit 3 ani de cand Dio ...

Ieri, Ceva m-a impins sa ascult Dio toata ziua in masina !
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Post by Cristina »

... te-a impins chiar Dio :)
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Post by AndreiO »

Trist :)
Live long , live happy and be free !
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